Evaluation of strategic planning by addressing public in forum planning


This thesis focuses on communication of strategic planning of municipalities in the Czech Republic. Communication is viewed from the position of the authors of media messages. The author demonstrates firstly the importance of the level of information awareness as a prerequisite for citizens' participation in formulating public policies and places the issue of participation in the concept of governance. On the basis of media analysis the data from 1996 to 2014 and five main criteria, from which relies for further data interpretation in connection with the strategic plans of cities and municipalities, author identifies major trends in communicating the topic in the media. The main question for this thesis is: What is the experience with communication of strategic plans of municipalities and cities of the Czech Republic in the media? This question evokes another sub- questions, which in the context of media analysis will need to be answered. How are the strategic plans called in the media? How are they explained to the public? What other techniques of explanation of complex planning process can we engage? The author focuses on recent publications by the World Bank and shares experience with participation from around the World. These methods author presents to further research in the field of..

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