Implementation of the lean conceptand simulations in SMEs


Increasing competition and globalization that encompasses all dealings in the world of business compel SMEs to seek more successful organizational and management modes and approaches. This paper presents a simulation model for the application of Lean methods and tools in SMEs and their impact on the improvement of production processes and product sustainability. The Lean concept can be used to achieve more efficient production whilst manufacturing lower-cost products including shorter manufacturing cycle, high quality, and added value. Research results show the usefulness of the application of dynamic simulations in the detection of critical places in processes and the usefulness of the application of relevant Lean methods and Lean tools for process improvement. Simulation results underline better performance of product manufacturing through the use of Lean tools with the aim to eliminate any waste. Reengineering the assembly line focuseson the following aspects, namely reducing waste, internal logistics, redesigning workplaces, and changing the workplace layout

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