Interdisciplinarnost kulturološko zasnovanega študija slovenistike na Univerzi v Varšavi


V pričujočem prispevku je predstavljen program kulturološkega slovenističnega študija v okviru slavistike, ki ga od leta 2004 izvaja Inštitut za zahodno in južno slavistiko Univerze v Varšavi. V njem so opisane in utemeljene glavne smernice sprememb univerzitetnega poučevanja. Avtorica opiše predvsem meddisciplinarni in medkulturni značaj varšavske slavistike ter načine vključevanja študentov v raziskovalno dejavnost Inštituta.The contribution focuses on the culturological programme of Slovene Studies within Slavic Studies, which has been implemented since 2004 by the Institute of Western and Southern Slavic Studies at the University of Warsaw. The main kinds of changes in university teaching are described and substantiated. The primary goal of this paper is to present the interdisciplinarity and intercultural nature of studies and research at the Warsaw Slavic Studies department and how it involves students in its research activities

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