Intervention in Photography


V diplomski nalogi sem raziskoval vlogo intervencije v avtorsko podobo. Raziskoval sem, kako podoba reagira z intervencijo ter kakšen odnos je med intervencijo in fotografijo v vizualnem in pomenskem učinku. Poskušal sem odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali nam končna podoba z intervencijo pove kaj več o fotografiranem subjektu/objektu kot njen izvirnik ali pa nam kaže predvsem avtorjevo dojemanje fotografiranega subjekta/objekta. Rezultat tako raziskovalnega kot praktičnega dela je serija del, predstavljenih v fotoknjigi in na razstavi.In my Bachelor Thesis I was researching the meaning of intervention in Photography. I was interested in what intervention does to photography in sense of changing the visual effect, as well as meaning of the form. I tried to answer the question if the final work tells us more about the photographed subject/object, than its original or does it show us the author\u27s perception of photographed subject/object. The result of research as well as practical experimental process of work is a series of photographs shown in a photobook as well as on exhibition

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