The influence of NTC methods of learning on motor skills of children in kindergarden


V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na nov pedagoški pristop dela z otroki, imenovan NTC metoda učenja, ki je kratica za Nikola Tesa Center in izvira iz Srbije (avtor dr. Ranko Rajović). Program sistematično usmerja starše in vzgojitelje k igralnim dejavnostim, ki dobro vplivajo na nastajanje in utrjevanje možganskih povezav. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v gibalnih sposobnostih otrok, ki vsakodnevno izvajajo vaje po metodi NTC učenja, in otroki, ki teh vaj ne izvajajo. Želeli smo tudi preveriti, ali obstajajo razlike znotraj eksperimentalne in kontrolne skupine glede na spol. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 111 otrok, starih 4−6 let iz vrtcev Zelena jama in Škofljica. Otroci iz eksperimentalne skupine (vrtec Zelena jama) so vsak dan izvajali vaje, ki so bile pripravljene s strani dr. Ranka Rajovića. Otroci, ki so bili kontrolna skupina (vrtec Škofljica), pa tega niso počeli. S kriteriji za ocenjevanje gibalnih sposobnosti, ki jih je prav tako pripravil avtor NTC programa, smo ocenjevali gibalne sposobnosti na začetku in na koncu raziskave. Podatke smo obdelali s programom Excel Microsoft 2016 in programom SPSS za statistično obdelavo podatkov. Z analizo rezultatov smo ugotovili, da pri gibalnih testih, katere smo uvrstili v skupino ravnotežja (hoja vzvratno in stoja na eni nogi) so preiskovanci statistično značilno napredovali v eksperimentalni in kontrolni skupini. Nekoliko večji napredek je bil viden pri eksperimentalni skupini. Pri gibalnih testih, s katerimi smo preverjali sposobnosti koordinacije gibov, smo ugotovili, da je napredek večji v eksperimetalni skupini v vseh štirih testih, ampak zgolj pri enem testu (sonožni poskok čez oviro naprej) smo dokazali statistično značilen napredek. Med teste fine motorike smo uvrstili risanje kvadrata in zavezovanje vezalk. Ugotovili smo, da je pri zavezovanju vezalk eksperimentalna skupina statistično značilno napredovala, medtem ko pri risanju kvadrata tega nismo uspeli dokazati. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da ne prihaja do statistično značilnih razlik znotraj skupin med spoloma. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli prispevati k razvoju novih pedagoških pristopov in ozavestiti starše, pedagoške delavce, pomočnike vzgojiteljev in vse, ki delajo z otroki, o novem pedagoškem pristopu, ki pozitivno vpliva na predšolske otroke.In the master thesis, we focused on the new pedagogical approach working with children called NTC method of learning, which is an abbreviation for the Nikola Tesa Center and original comes from Serbia (author dr. Ranko Rajović). The program systematically directs parents and educators to activities that have a good influence on the formation and consolidation of brain connections. The purpose of the master thesis was to determine wheather there are differences in the physical abilities of children who are doing exercises on a daily basis according to the NTC learning method and children who do not do this. By analyzing the results, we wanted to check wheather there were differences within the experimental and control group by gender. The survey included 111 children aged 4-6 from the kindergartens Zelena jama and Škofljica. Children from the experimental group (kindergarten Zelena jama) worked out exercises each day, which were prepared by dr. Ranko Rajović. The children who were the control group (kindergarten Škofljica) did not do this. With the criteria for assessing the motor skills, which was also prepared by an expert, the author of the NTC program dr. Ranko Rajović we evaluated the motor abilities at the beginning and at the end of the study. Data was processed with Excel Microsoft 2016 and the SPSS program for statistical data processing. The analysis showed that in tests which we put in the group of balance (walking backwards and standing on one leg), statictically significant progress was proved in both groups (experimental and control group). But the progress was greater in the experimental group. In tests, with which we checked the ability to coordinate movements, we found out that higher progress was in experimental group in all four tests, but just in one test (juping over obstacle forward) we proved statistical progress. During the fine motor tests, we included squares drawing and lacing ties. Analyze showed that the experimental group made statistically significant improvements in binding the laces, while in the case of drawing the square we could not prove this. With additional analysis we also found out that there are no statistically significant differences within the groups between the sexes. We also want to contribute to the development of new pedagogical approaches and to raise awareness among parents, pedagogues, educators and all those who want to work with children on a new pedagogical approach that positively affects pre-school children

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