
The relationship between citizenship and residence in the citizenship laws of the member states of the European Union


CARIM-India: Developing a knowledge base for policymaking on India-EU migrationThis paper addresses various aspects of the link between residence and citizenship in EU Member States. The first concerns the length or type of residence required for acquisition of citizenship by naturalization. All Member States impose residence requirements for this purpose, but differences between nationals law are considerable. Second, the paper surveys whether, or under which conditions, citizenship acquired by naturalization can by lost by a certain period of residence abroad. Third the paper describes and analyzes national laws that make an exception to the general rule citizenship can be transmitted by (a) parent(s) to their children, even if the parent(s) reside(s) outside of the country of citizenship and their children are therefore born outside that country. The content of this paper is based on several comparative studies conducted on grounds for acquisition and loss of nationality, in particular of the Member States of the European Union.CARIM-India is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Unio

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