Genomic exploration of Bacillus thuringiensis MORWBS1.1 - candidate biocontrol agent,predicts genes for biosynthesis of zwittermicin, 4,5-DOPA dioxygenase extradiol, and quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase


Many strains fromBacillus thuringiensisare known for theirgenomic robustness and antimicrobial potentials. As a result, thequest for their biotechnological applications, especially in theagroindustry (e.g., as biopesticides), has increased over the years.This study documents the genome sequencing and probing of aFusariumantagonist (B.thuringiensisstrain MORWBS1.1) withpossible biopesticidal metabolite producing capacity from SouthAfrica. Based on in vitro evaluation and in silico antiSMASHinvestigation,B.thuringiensisstrain MORWBS1.1 exhibited dis-tinctive genomic properties that could be further exploited for inplanta and food additive production purposes

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