Assessing restoration potential of a critically endangered vegetation type following alien acacia removal


The Fynbos vegetation of the Cape Lowlands is ecologically distinct from mountain Fynbos within the Cape Region of South Africa, but has been highly impacted by agriculture and urban development, while alien plants have invaded most of the remaining natural habitats. Cape Flats Sand Fynbos is a critically endangered lowland vegetation type containing many endemic and threatened species. 100 ha of this vegetation type which was invaded by alien Acacia saligna was cleared in 2012. The standard clearing methods utilised in Lowland Fynbos have resulted in poor native vegetation recovery. Therefore this study aimed to test novel passive (burning) and active (seed sowing) treatments on recovery of native vegetation. After two years all treatments resulted in different recovery trajectories, and modelling treatment responses showed these trajectories to be maintained in the long-term. The passive clearing without burning treatment resulted in herbaceous vegetation dominating, while the active treatment resulted in higher cover, species richness and density of non-sprouting shrubs. A follow-up sowing treatment involving seed pre-treated with smoke and heat improved shrub species richness and seedling density of certain species, especially Thamnochortus punctatus, a dominant structural component species. Therefore an active treatment involving sowing pre-treated seeds after clearing and burning results in best Fynbos recovery compared to either of the passive treatments tested. These restoration methods should be adaptable to other lowland vegetation types within the Fynbos region as well as other Mediterranean climate regions

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