Considering the need for alternative intervention strategies for the management of diabetic policy formulation in South Africa


CITATION: Thomas, V. V., De Kock, I. H. & Bam, L. 2018. Considering the need for alternative intervention strategies for the management of diabetic policy formulation in South Africa. In SAIIE29 Proceedings, 24-26 October 2018, Spier, Stellenbosch, South Africa.The original publication is available at ABSTRACT: The increasing prevalence of diabetes in South Africa, alongside other non-communicable diseases, places a heavy burden on the health care system; especially when faced with the significant difference in quality of care between private and public health care, and the increased burden of disease. This paper analyses various diabetic policies already implemented in South Africa, and considers the need to investigate alternative policies and intervention strategies to manage diabetes in South Africa. Due to the complex nature and non-linear interactions which exist within the health care system, a system dynamics-based approach is suggested as a useful analysis tool to evaluate and understand the dominant factors that influence the effective management of diabetes to potentially inform more effective and efficient diabetic policy formulation.'s versio

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