Power-Law Scaling of Early-Stage Forces during Granular Impact


17 USC 105 interim-entered record; under review.We experimentally and computationally study the early-stage forces during intruder impacts with granular beds in the regime where the impact velocity approaches the granular force propagation speed. Experiments use 2D assemblies of photoelastic disks of varying stiffness, and complimentary discreteelement simulations are performed in 2D and 3D. The peak force during the initial stages of impact and the time at which it occurs depend only on the impact speed, the intruder diameter, the stiffness of the grains, and the mass density of the grains according to power-law scaling forms that are not consistent with Poncelet models, granular shock theory, or added-mass models. The insensitivity of our results to many system details suggests that they may also apply to impacts into similar materials like foams and emulsions.Funding from the Office of Naval Research under Grant No. N0001419WX01519.

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