A Validation of Mathematical Models for Turbojet Test Cells


Prepared for: Naval Air Propulsion Center Trenton, NJ 09628Previously developed one-dimensional and two-dimensional computer models fox predicting turbojet test cell performance were compared with data obtained from a subscale test cell for the purpose of model validation. Comparisons were made for a variety of configurations and flow rates. A modified one-dimensional mode was found to reasonably predict the variation of augmentation ratio with engine flow; rate, although predicted magnitudes were consistently too small. The model incorporated excess we drag losses and an inaccurate jet spreading para-meter for large engine-augmentor spacings. The two-dimensional model accurately predicted experimental. velocity profiles, but over-predicted pressure variations, except for low engine exit Mach numbers.Naval Air Propulsion Center, Trenton, NJApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

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