Simulating and understanding the gap outflow and oceanic response over the Gulf of Tehuantepec during GOTEX


17 USC 105 interim-entered record; under review.Tehuantepecer is a strong mountain gap wind traveling through Chivela Pass into eastern Pacific coastin southern Mexico, most commonly between October and February and brings huge impacts on local and surrounding meteorology and oceanography. Gulf of Tehuantepec EXperiment (GOTEX) was conducted in February 2004 to enhance the understanding of the strong offshore gap wind, ocean cooling, vertical circulations and interactions among them. The gap wind event during GOTEX was simulated using the U.S. Navy Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS® ). The simulations are compared and validated with the observations retrieved from several satellites (GOES 10–12, MODIS/Aqua/Terra, TMI, and QuikSCAT) and Airborne EXpendable BathyThermograph (AXBT). The study shows that the gap wind outflow has a fanlike pattern expending from the coast and with a strong diurnal variability. The surface wind stress and cooling along the axis of the gap wind outflow caused intense upwelling and vertical mixing in the upper ocean; both contributed to the cooling of the ocean mixed layer under the gap wind. The cooling pattern of sea surface temperature (SST) also reflects temperature advection by the nearby ocean eddies to have a crescent shape. Two sensitivity experiments were conducted to understand the relative roles of the wind stress and heat flux on the ocean cooling. The control has more cooling right under the gap flow region than either the wind-stress-only or the heat-flux-only experiment. Overall, the wind stress has a slightly larger effect in bringing down the ocean temperature near the surface and plays a more important role in local ocean circulations beneath the mixed layer. The impact of surface heat flux on the ocean is more limited to the top 30 m within the mixed layer and is symmetric to the gap flow region by cooling the ocean under the gap flow region and reducing the warming on both sides. The effect of surface wind stress is to induce more cooling in the mixed layer under the gap wind through upwelling associated with Ekman divergence at the surface. Its effect deeper down is antisymmetric related to the nearby thermocline dome by inducing more upwelling to the east side of the gap flow region and more downwelling on the west side. Diagnostics from the mixed layer heat budget for the control and sensitivity experiments confirm that the surface heat flux has more influence on the broader area and the wind stress has more influence in a deeper region.This research is supported by Office of Naval Research (ONR) through the Department Research Initiative Predictability of Seasonal and Intraseasonal Oscillations (PE061153N). Computational resources were supported in part by a grant of HPC time from the Department of Defense Major Shared Resource Centers, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi

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