“Programa Nacional de lectura y su aplicación en el Nivel Medio, Ciclo Básico de Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez.”


In Guatemala, the results of the annual reading tests, carried out by the Ministry of Education in middle-level students, basic cycle, are not entirely encouraging, show that there are still challenges to overcome in terms of reading development and reading comprehension. By virtue of the above, the investigation was carried out that focused on verifying the application of the National Reading Program at the Medium Level, basic cycle, in the National Institutes of Mazatenango, being the following: Rafael Landívar National Institute of Basic Education , National Institute of Experimental Basic Education Lic. Julio César Méndez Montenegro, Morning and Evening Conference, National Institute of Basic Education San Benito, National Institute of Basic Education Flor del Café, National Institute of Basic Education assigned to the National School of Commercial Sciences, Night shift. This program was designed and implemented in 2013 by the Ministry of Education of Guatemala, whose priority is to ensure that students, teachers, parents and the community in general are involved in the promotion and development of reading. It should be noted that the study was developed under a quantitative approach, which includes observable and measurable aspects of the educational reality and focused on verifying the compliance that each educational actor has in the application of the National Reading Program. The general objective of the research was based on analyzing the methodology for implementing said program. As a result of the investigation, it was evidenced that the methodology implemented for said program lacks a systematic order and that those involved in the process know only partially the functions that they must perform to implement said program. Finally, it is important to indicate that the impact it has had is positive, which is evidenced in the increase in the educational quality of the students, reflecting higher academic results in relation to reading compared to previous years

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