The Importance of Destination Networks in The Tourism Industry


Organizational cooperation has obvious benefits in the tourism industry since the supply is fragmented and the consumption of tourism products are often bundled. In tourism networks, the interactions go beyond organizational boundaries and the boundaries of these strategic networks are simultaneously open and closed. This paper consists of a literature review and one case example from Swedish Lapland. The tourism offering (the”product”) is a combination of outputs from many tourism firms (service providers) which demands coordination of activities in time and among the actors. The coordination in the case of Swedish Lapland involves actors from different organizations within and outside the formal network (national organizations, regional and local organizations as well as the activity based SMEs, providing the tourism experience). The process of arranging activities and connecting actor resources in this tourism business network was a challenge taken by the regional Tourism Board – Swedish Lapland Tourism. The main success activities were the new brand and the partnership for export. The economic support from regional actors was a significant factor for network formation and development. Keywords: Destination network, network, tourism, cooperation, Swedish Laplan

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