
Calvin and Canticles


Peer reviewedOn the one hand, the often held thesis is challenged that Calvin, contrary to his rejection of allegorical exegesis, himself supported an allegorical understanding of the Song of Songs. On the other hand, a proposal is put forward as to how his clear elimination of the “natural” or erotic sense and his distinctive use of the “spiritual” sense can be understood. Reference is made to the two rival traditions in Christian exegesis, and parallels to the concept of intertextuality in present-day literary studies are revealed. It is proposed to interpret Calvin's position as participation in a network of intended intertextuality that fits into the context of the historical orientation of the Antiochene tradition. In this way a spiritual meaning becomes compatible with the intention of the historical author, which however is no less negative towards human sexuality than towards allegorical expositions of the Song of Songs.Research Institute for Theology and Religio

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