Thermodynamic Formalism on the Skorokhod space: the continuous time Ruelle operator, entropy, pressure, entropy production and expansiveness


Consider the semi-flow given by the continuous time shift Θt:Dβ†’D\Theta_t:\mathcal{D} \to \mathcal{D} , tβ‰₯0t \geq 0, acting on the Skorokhod space D\mathcal{D} , of paths w:[0,∞)β†’S1w: [0,\infty) \to S^1, where S1S^1 is the unitary circle We show that the semi-flow is expanding. We consider a stochastic semi-group et Le^{t\, L}, tβ‰₯0,t \geq 0, where LL (the infinitesimal generator) This stochastic semi-group and an initial vector of probability Ο€\pi defines an associated stationary shift-invariant probability P\mathbb{P}. This probability P\mathbb{P} will play the role of an {\it a priori} probability. Given such P\mathbb{P} and a H\"older potential V:S1β†’RV:S^1 \to \mathbb{R}, we define a continuous time Ruelle operator: a family of linear operators LVt \mathbb{L}^t_V, tβ‰₯0,t\geq 0, acting on continuous functions Ο†:S1β†’R\varphi: S^1 \to \mathbb{R}, defined by Ο†β€‰β†’Οˆ(y)=LVt(Ο†)(y)=∫w(t)=ye∫0tV(w(s)) ds φ(w(0)) dP(w). \varphi \,\to \psi(y) = \mathbb{L}^t_V(\varphi)(y)= \int_{w(t)=y} e^{ \int_0^t V(w(s)) \, ds} \, \varphi (w(0)) \,d \mathbb{P}(w).\, We show the existence of an eigenvalue Ξ»V\lambda_V and an associated H\"older eigenfunction Ο†V>0\varphi_V>0 for the semi-group LVt\mathbb{L}_V^t, tβ‰₯0.t\geq 0. After a coboundary procedure we obtain another stochastic semi-group, with infinitesimal generator LVL_V, and this will define a new probability PV\mathbb{P}_V on D\mathcal{D}, which we call the Gibbs (or, equilibrium) probability for the potential VV. We define entropy, for some shift-invariant probabilities on D\mathcal{D}, and we consider a variational problem of pressure. Finally, we define entropy production and we analyze its relation with time-reversal and symmetry of LL. We wonder if the point of view described here provides a sketch (as an alternative for the Anosov one) for the chaotic hypothesis for a particle system held in a nonequilibrium stationary state, as delineated by Ruelle, Gallavotti, and Cohen

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