Additional file 5 of A custom library construction method for super-resolution ribosome profiling in Arabidopsis


Additional file 5: Figure S1. Precise ribonuclease digestion yields a clear band between 28 and 30 nt. Figure S2. qPCR quantification of circularized cDNAs and estimation of template volumes needed for library construction PCR. Figure S3. Comparison of rRNA contamination in our previous and current datasets. Figure S4. High correlations among three technical replicates of Ribo-seq data. Figure S5. Comparable strong 3-nt periodicity in our current data. Figure S6. Abundant contamination sequences present at 25 nt. Figure S7. Mapping and contamination statistics. Contaminant sequences considered include rRNAs/tRNAs/snRNAs/snoRNAs and overrepresented non-coding RNAs. Their sequences are listed in Additional file 3

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