H7N1 Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses in Poultry in the United States During 2018


Here, we report three detections of H7N1 low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (LPAIV) from poultry in Missouri (n¼2) and Texas (n¼1) during February and March 2018. Complete genome sequencing and comparative phylogenetic analysis suggest that the H7 LPAIV precursor viruses were circulating in wild birds in North America during the fall and winter of 2017 and spilled over into domestic poultry in Texas and Missouri independently during the spring of 2018. RESUMEN. Nota de investigacio´n—Virus de la influenza aviar de baja patogenicidad H7N1 en avicultura, Estados Unidos, 2018. En este art´ıculo se reportan tres detecciones del virus de influenza aviar de baja patogenicidad H7N1 (LPAIV) en avicultura en Missouri (n¼2) y Texas (n¼1) durante febrero y marzo del 2018. La secuenciacio´n completa del genoma y el ana´lisis filogene´tico comparativo sugieren que precursores de este virus de influenza de baja patogenicidad H7 circulaban en aves silvestres en Ame´rica del Norte durante el oton˜o y el invierno de 2017 y se propagaron a las aves comerciales en Texas y Missouri de forma independiente durante la primavera del 2018

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