Effects of Distillers Grains and Manure Management on Nutrient Management Plans and Economics


Feed Nutrient Management Plan Economics software (FNMP$; Koelsch et al., 2007; available at http://cnmp.unl.edu under software resources) was used to evaluate the effect of distillers grains inclusion and manure application rate on feedlot nutrient management plans. Inclusion of distillers grains in diets resulted in greater nutrient excretion, land requirements, and manure hauling distances. However, the increased cost of manure management from feeding byproducts has the potential to be offset by increased manure fertilizer value. Changing from N-based to a P-based application rate increased the amount of land required and costs to apply manure. However, when manure was applied at a 4-year P-based rate instead of a 1-year P-based rate, single year land requirement remained similar and application-time was reduced by 41% from the 1-year P-based rate

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