
Estimated Savings from Turning Off Unnecessary Lights at the Langford Architecture Center During the 1996 Christmas Holidays


During the 1996 Christmas holidays the College of Architecture initiated a trial program to turn off unnecessary lights during unoccupied periods. This effort targeted the unnecessary lights in all studios, classrooms, labs and offices. Had those lights been left on, the building would have consumed 100 kW more electricity every hour. The total electricity savings was about 31,200 kWh over 13 days, which is equivalent to a total cost saving of 936.00.IftheCollegecontinuestoturnoffunnecessarylightsduringunoccupiedperiods,theestimatedannualcostsavingswouldbe936.00. If the College continues to turn off unnecessary lights during unoccupied periods, the estimated annual cost savings would be 13,711, which is 40% of the target savings estimated in the test we performed earlier in 1996. Labor costs to accomplish a manual shutdown are approximately 96.00perweek.Ifthisisdeductedfromtheannualcostsavings,thelightingturn−offprogramstillsavesabout96.00 per week. If this is deducted from the annual cost savings, the lighting turn-off program still saves about 8,632 per year

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