Developing a Modular Material-Based Independent Training Model for Primary School Teacher Training


Abstract This study is based on the challenges related to the low quality ofe.lucation in Indonesia, One of the reasons for these challenges is the low ability of teachers to conduct professional tasks. Future demands for teachers' professionalization till be higher, consideing the rapid development ol sociery, sciqtce and technology and current global competitiveness. In aspiring for improved quality education in the future, effons are needed to optimize teachers' professional development, particularly for primary school teachers, through continuous and comprehensiye education and training with broader access. Basing on this, the present paper analyzes a model and material of education and training programs which is believed to improye teacher's competence on broader scope and ensures quality training outcomes. The research method study used was research and development. It has been used depending on the objectives to be achieved, which included developing a training model aimed at improving the mastery of cognitive abilities in the pedagogical competence of elementary school teachers. The preliminary study indicates that the implementation of the existing teacher education and training program is sufficient. However, further improvements are needed to reqch a broader scope. Teachers' perceptions concerning their mastery of competencies required to perform their professional tasks indicated weaknesses regarding several aspects of the pedagogic and profesional competencies. This exists because the of education and training teachers undergone which varies: yet, some teacher's still have not had the oppornunity to attain sufficient education and training. Identifiying the needs of primary school teachers training and education program highlights the importance of developing a training and education model vhich optimizes modular material-based independent learning

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