ʻAyn al-bukāʼ, [1242, i.e. 1827].


Fine copy of what is apparently the abridgment (mukhtaṣar) of the author's work on the martyrdom of Imām Ḥusayn.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 883Origin: As appears in colophon on p.433, transcription completed in Tabrīz, 23 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1242 [ca. 18 July 1827].Accompanying materials: a. Slip with note "Persian MSS (Heyworth-Dunne?) No Husselman or Meredith-Owen notes" (paginated pp.1-2) -- b. Recyled card with note in hand of Emilie Savage-Smith [?] "19th c. Persian" (paginated pp.3-4) -- c. Slip with note "Counted for 1968/69 Annual Report" (paginated pp.5-6) -- d. Slip with title and date "ʻeyn-ol-bokā | Copied in Tabriz 1242 AH" (paginated pp.7-8) -- e. Page torn from 1913 catalog of Luzac & Co., 46, Great Russell Street, London, with description and price listed for this manuscript and others "II.-PERSIAN AND HINDUSTANI MSS. ...166 Ainul-buka. By Muhammad Taki bin Ahmad of Borujand. A work on the Tragedy of Imam Husain, composed A.H. 1199. Persian MS. on glazed paper in fair Nastaʻliq hand ; 2 inks. Small folio. Leather bound. 203 folios. Copied in Tabriz, A.H. 1242. £ 1 1S." (paginated pp.9-10).Former shelfmark: Mich. Isl. Ms. temp. no. 32Binding: Pasteboards covered in black leather with red leather over spine, head edge and fore edge of upper board and corners of lower board (likely repairs) ; Type III binding (without flap) ; board linings in untinted wove paper ; sewn in white thread, two stations ; worked chevron endbands in red and cream, good condition ; overall in somewhat poor condition with much abrasion, staining, etc.Support: European machine laid paper with chain lines spaced 25-26 mm. apart (vertical), 'laid' lines in a faint mesh or cross-hatch, and watermarks of scrollwork having eagle above tower within, "T G" below and crown above, as well as "GAGGIERO" (see p.12, 14, 16, 20, etc. and compare no.3740 in Heawood), sturdy and well-sized and burnished, cream in color ; fills and other repairs in wove paper.Decoration: Keywords and section headings rubricated ; overlining in red ; textual dividers in the form of four dots or inverted commas.Script: Nastaʻlīq ; elegant hand ; serifless with effect of words descending to baseline, elongation and exaggerated thickness of horizontal strokes, free assimilation of letters, many large, sweeping descenders ; some descenders reversed / recurved.Layout: Written in 21 lines per page ; frame-ruled.Collation: 26 IV(208), II+1 (213) ; almost exclusively quaternions ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes inserts and skips two pages between p.77-78).Colophon: "Scribal," rectangular, reads "تمام شد این کتاب عین البکا در روز سه شنبه در بیست و سوم شهر ذی حجة الحرام در دار السلطنة تبریز در سنه هزار دویست چهل دو از هجرت ... نبوى ..."Explicit: "ویا حبیب قلوب العابدین تمام شد این کتاب عين البکا"Incipit: "الحمد لله الذی خلقنا بلطفه من الماء والطین وجعلنا بکرامت من الامة سید المرسلین ... اما بعد اصل هر کلام ... و این نسخه را موسوم بعین البكکاء کرد اینده ..."Title from opening matter on p.13.Ms. codex.Storey,Āghā Buzurg al-Ṭihrānī. al-Dharīʻah ilá taṣānīf al-Shīʻah,Fine copy of what is apparently the abridgment (mukhtaṣar) of the author's work on the martyrdom of Imām Ḥusayn.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired from Frank E. Nuttall (1875-1943).On spine label "٣" with title inscription "عین بکا خطی" ; possible former inventory marks "pafs / 1912" and "1/1/-" in pencil on upper board lining, "16297a" on lower board lining ; scribal verses flanking colophon "هر که خواند دعا طمع دارم زانکه من بندۀ گنه کارم" ; fairly clean copy

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