Development and RF-Performance of AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN HEMTs on Large-Diameter High-Resistivity Silicon Substrates


A CMOS-compatible industrial processing and RF analysis of 150 mm GaN-on-HR-Si substrates with AlGaN and InAlN barrier is presented. Process development along with transfer to large-wafer scale is shown and some HEMT calibration devices produced on AlGaN/GaN following the aforementioned procedure are characterized in terms of RF-performance by using a set of measured multi-bias S-parameters. An automatic small-signal equivalent circuit extraction strategy for these AlGaN/GaN DUTs is validated and some de-embedded figures of merit are drawn out in order to initially evaluate this promising technology.This work is supported by the I Plan Propio de la Univ. de Málaga (PhD Grant-401), and the European Microwave Association™ by the EuMA Internship Award 2021 edition. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

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