This document is the final report of the second year of the short-term contract of the Small Tuna
Year Program by ICCAT. In 2018, the Small Tuna Species Group decided to prioritize Little
tunny (LTA) (Euthynnus alletteratus) Atlantic bonito (BON) (Sarda sarda) and Wahoo (WAH)
(Acanthocybium solandri), based on their economic importance and the deficiency of knowledge
of their biology. The objectives of the contract for three species were: i) Collect biological
samples for estimating growth parameters, assessing the maturity and stock structure analysis
(populations genetics), and ii) Conclude the analysis of the stock structure for at least one of the
three species and provide preliminary results for the remaining. The obtained samples for
growth, maturity and stock structure analysis was almost completed for Little tunny and Atlantic
bonito, whereas for Wahoo the samples are scarce. The analysis of stock structure for Little tunny
and Atlantic bonito revealed that the observed dif