Cooperative awareness message dissemination in EN 302 637-2: an adaptation for winding roads


This paper evaluates the performance of the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) dissemination stated in the European Standard EN 302 637-2 in risky sharp bends and winding roads. We propose a novel triggering condition based on the dynamic estimation of the road radius, used as a risk metric. So as lower the radius, the higher the beaconing rate. As a case study, two real road sections, with different lengths and angles, have been simulated to prove that both a better awareness and responsiveness are achieved in the vehicles, to later ensure a proper application layer functioning. Finally, congestion constraint is also tested to check that no significant interferences are found in the described behavior.This work has been supported by the project AIM, ref. TEC2016-76465-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). In particular, Juan Aznar-Poveda thanks the Spanish MECD for an FPI predoctoral fellowship (ref. BES-2017-081061)

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