Strengthening Asian advanced design and manufacture education through a framework approach


The rapid industrial growth of some Asian countries demands to bridge the gap between Europe and Asia for mutual sharing and exchange of knowledge and cooperation in Advanced Design and Manufacture. A European Commission funded project provided a new platform for not only strengthening Asian education in design and manufacture but also helped in creating strong ties between European and Asian academic institutions for exchange and sharing of knowledge through joint course material development, delivery of MSc course in advanced design and manufacture and joint supervision of PhD training of Asian students. This paper introduces the project, key activities implemented during its duration, achievements and the impact it had regarding the introduction of world class engineering design and manufacture education in Asia through the up gradation of knowledge and skills of postgraduate Asian students. The project’s implementation also built strong partnerships between European academic institutions and Asian industrial sector as well as laying foundations for the development of numerous research and education based projects between Asian and European academic and industrial sectors

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