Analysis of pit latrine microbiota reveals depth-related variation in composition, and key parameters and taxa associated with latrine fill-up rate


Funding statement This research received financial support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (grant number OPP52641 to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). AWW and JP were supported by the Wellcome Trust [grant number 098051]. AWW and the Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen, receive core funding support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environmental Science and In review Analysis Service (RESAS). UZI is funded by NERC Independent Research Fellowship (NE/L011956/1) and further supported by EPSRC (EP/P029329/1 and EP/V030515/1). CQ is funded through an MRC fellowship (MR/M50161X/1) as part of the MRC Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics consortium (MR/L015080/1). Acknowledgements In review Pit latrine microbiota associated with depth and fill-up rate. We would like to thank all the field and laboratory teams and to all the pit latrine owners who participated in this study. We also thank Paul Scott, Richard Rance and members of the Wellcome Sanger Institute's sequencing team for generating 16S rRNA gene data.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

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