Robotic Manipulation under Transparency and Translucency from Light-field Sensing


From frosted windows to plastic containers to refractive fluids, transparency and translucency are prevalent in human environments. The material properties of translucent objects challenge many of our assumptions in robotic perception. For example, the most common RGB-D sensors require the sensing of an infrared structured pattern from a Lambertian reflectance of surfaces. As such, transparent and translucent objects often remain invisible to robot perception. Thus, introducing methods that would enable robots to correctly perceive and then interact with the environment would be highly beneficial. Light-field (or plenoptic) cameras, for instance, which carry light direction and intensity, make it possible to perceive visual clues on transparent and translucent objects. In this dissertation, we explore the inference of transparent and translucent objects from plenoptic observations for robotic perception and manipulation. We propose a novel plenoptic descriptor, Depth Likelihood Volume (DLV), that incorporates plenoptic observations to represent depth of a pixel as a distribution rather than a single value. Building on the DLV, we present the Plenoptic Monte Carlo Localization algorithm, PMCL, as a generative method to infer 6-DoF poses of objects in settings with translucency. PMCL is able to localize both isolated transparent objects and opaque objects behind translucent objects using a DLV computed from a single view plenoptic observation. The uncertainty induced by transparency and translucency for pose estimation increases greatly as scenes become more cluttered. Under this scenario, we propose GlassLoc to localize feasible grasp poses directly from local DLV features. In GlassLoc, a convolutional neural network is introduced to learn DLV features for classifying grasp poses with grasping confidence. GlassLoc also suppresses the reflectance over multi-view plenoptic observations, which leads to more stable DLV representation. We evaluate GlassLoc in the context of a pick-and-place task for transparent tableware in a cluttered tabletop environment. We further observe that the transparent and translucent objects will generate distinguishable features in the light-field epipolar image plane. With this insight, we propose Light-field Inference of Transparency, LIT, as a two-stage generative-discriminative refractive object localization approach. In the discriminative stage, LIT uses convolutional neural networks to learn reflection and distortion features from photorealistic-rendered light-field images. The learned features guide generative object location inference through local depth estimation and particle optimization. We compare LIT with four state-of-the-art pose estimators to show our efficacy in the transparent object localization task. We perform a robot demonstration by building a champagne tower using the LIT pipeline.PHDRoboticsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies

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