In multi-objective optimization, several potentially conflicting objective
functions need to be optimized. Instead of one optimal solution, we look for
the set of so called non-dominated solutions. An important subset is the set of
non-dominated extreme points. Finding it is a computationally hard problem in
general. While solvers for similar problems exist, there are none known for
multi-objective mixed integer linear programs (MOMILPs) or multi-objective
mixed integer quadratically constrained quadratic programs (MOMIQCQPs). We
present PaMILO, the first solver for finding non-dominated extreme points of
MOMILPs and MOMIQCQPs. PaMILO provides an easy to use interface and is
implemented in C++17. It solves occurring subproblems employing either CPLEX or
Gurobi. PaMILO adapts the dual-benson algorithm for multi-objective linear
programming (MOLP). As it was previously only defined for MOLPs, we describe
how it can be adapted for MOMILPs, MOMIQCQPs and even more problem classes in
the future