
The present deliverable provides an initial evaluation of the key features of the 5G-CLARITY system architecture reported in [2] so that its main merits and limitations can be outlined. The activities carried out in this deliverable include: • Identification of components and features from the system architecture that will take part in the overall system evaluation. • The modelling of selected components and features, relying on theoretical analysis adopting both analytical and numerical models. • Definition of an evaluation plan, to specify the use case-based scenarios that will be used for the system architecture evaluation. For each scenario, this plan provides information of what the evaluation pursues and how it will be done, indicating: i) the selected components and features, together with their developed models; ii) the system level specification, by integrating individual models into end-to-end models that allows characterizing/profiling the scenario; and iii) the simulation and optimisation tools to be used for scenario evaluation. • System architecture evaluation execution, by validating the developed end-to-end models with the selected simulation and optimisation tools. This allows assessment of 5G-CLARITY system architecture through representative use cases, indicating clear benefits with respect to the relevant state-of-the-art as well as associated trade-offs. The outcomes from this first evaluation will be used to provide inputs to the work in WP3 and WP4, and to introduce necessary refinements in the final version of the 5G-CLARITY system architecture, to be published in the upcoming deliverable 5G-CLARITY D2.4

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