Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) Strategies for the Growth of Digital Business in Small-medium Enterprise (SME)


Small and medium-sized business expansion is a dynamic process of development. It grows despite many alterations that exceed its organization, resources, and skills, as well as market demands. Its operations mostly leverage gaps in niche markets and integrate resources. Small and medium-sized businesses can rely on digital platforms to efficiently execute regulations and achieve faster growth in the Internet environment, but consumer and public evaluation is a crucial element in assisting the development of businesses. Consumers and the general public use Internet resources to publish information about businesses, products, and services. The electronic word-of-mouth generated by these evaluation effects not just the purchasing behavior of consumers, but also the enterprise brand value. The influence of electronic word-of-mouth is evident throughout the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. This study examines the mechanism of electronic word-of-mouth and focuses on the application strategy of electronic word-of-mouth in the evolution of small and medium-sized businesses

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