Isotopic composition of hydrogen (δD), oxygen (δ¹⁸О) and Deuterium excess in veinlets of the syngenetic ice wedges in the Russian permafrost zone


The authors obtained new results on isotope data for recent growing ice wedges on the coast of the Chukotka Peninsula and summarized data from publications of the last 15-20 years. Field sampling was carried out in ice veinlets, usually lying under the grooves of interpolygonal ice wedge massifs. Identified variations of stable isotopes and values of deuterium excess in recent growing ice wedges, with age of about 100 years, penetrating into growing ice wedges at Russian permafrost zone, allow to consider the additional cryogenic fractionation during ice veinlets growth in frost cracks. The study confirmed the predominantly atmospheric origin of moisture, filling frost cracks. Limited cryogenic fractionation usually accompanies the freezing of melted snow after it fills the frost crack

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