Meteorological observations from the automatic weather stations Drescher and Filchner, 1991-2002


Automatic weather stations (AWS) are due to the extreme cold conditions an attractive option to get more dens climatic data from Antarctica. These data is needed for weather forecast models or other climatic models. Data sets of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analysis model are used for comparison with AWS in the Weddell Sea. This region if of particular interest for the BRIOS2 (Bremerhaven Regional Ice-Ocean Simulations) model which produce results related to sea ice processes, water mass modifications and circulation patterns, all leading to a better understanding of the thermohaline ocean circulation in the Southern Ocean. Therefore, observation at AWS' can be used as a validation of the ECMWF model and can reveal sources for errors for climate models using a ECMWF forcing

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