The forgery of deepfake and the "advent" of artificial intelligence


The concept of politics changes its semantic value according to the historical period and the cultural changes affecting the social fabric. In classical literature, there was no distinction between politics and society or politics and ethics, since the first indicated the collective space in which cultural, social, economic relations of human life developed that were differentiated from other living forms. To date, with the advent of digitalization and artificial intelligence, we have a concrete assessment of how politics has acquired a new perspective and is changing to adapt to new technologies and its uses: on the one hand, we are experiencing the propagation of debate, confrontation, and information accessible at any time. On the other hand, it has become an instrument for the annihilation of rivals and subjugation of those who consider any data received from the Internet as truthful, exploiting the media and digital technologies, until it pervades the social structure, making even nonsense seem credible. The purpose of this contribution, therefore, is to outline theoretically the contours and contemporary phenomena that relate, through a dialogical relationship, with the use of deepfake techniques and artificial intelligence technology, the concepts of politics - in its dimension of the relationship of collective power - and of social communication

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