New records of Tardigrada from Cyprus with a description of the new species Macrobiotus marlenae (hufelandi group) (Eutardigrada : Macrobiotidae)


A new species, Macrobiotus marlenae n. sp., is described from Cyprus. The new species is similar to Macrobiotus persimilis BINDA & PILATO, 1972, M. patagonicus MAUCCI, 1988 and M. polonicus PILATO et al., 2003 but it differs from them mainly by: shorter placoids, lower number of processes on the circumference of the egg and the processes are larger and have undulations under the terminal disc. The new species differs from others also by some morphometric characters of the adults and eggs. Besides M. marlenae n. sp., four other species are reported from Cyprus: Echiniscus testudo (DOYÉRE, 1840), Macrobiotus cf. richtersi MURRAY, 1911, Milnesium tardigradum (DOYÉRE, 1840) and Ramazzottius cf. oberhaeuseri (DOYÉRE, 1840). All are new to Cyprus. A key to identification of the species of the hufelandi group that have a ‘smooth’ egg surface between processes is also given

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