Development and Operation of the Handbooks for Novice Teachers and Mentors (I) : Towards Constructing Foundation and Basis of Teachers as Continuous Learners


In this study, we developed Handbook for improving the practical teaching competencies for novice teachers and Handbook for supporting Novices for mentors and actually got them used by those teachers. We interviewed three pairs of novice and mentor, obtained feedbacks on their contents & usability and analyzed them. As a result of this research, we reached following three conclusions: 1) Handbook for novice teachers helped in organization and accumulation of the documents of novice teachers training; 2) Handbook for mentors are contributory for mentors to support and to advise novices by offering useful knowledge and so on; 3) Standard can be an index of lesson observation and analyzation for novices as well as a tool promoting their reflections. Furthermore, it also works as a medium connecting novices and mentors. We plan to keep on considering the valid ways to utilize these Handbooks.本研究は,平成25-26年度独立行政法人教員研修センター委嘱事業「教員研修モデルカリキュラム開発プログラム」の成果の一部である。なお,本稿は広島大学(2015)の一部を加筆・修正するとともに,平成27年度日本教育大学協会研究集会(10月10日開催)で発表した内容を加え執筆したものである

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