Solstice: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics, Volume IV, Number 2


This document is produced using the typesetting program, TeX, of Donald Knuth and the American Mathematical Society. Notation in the electronic file is in accordance with that of Knuth's The TeXbook. The program is downloaded for hard copy on The University of Michigan's Xerox 9700 laser-printing Xerox machine.The purpose of Solstice is to promote interaction between geography and mathematics. Articles in which elements of one discipline are used to shed light on the other are particularly sought. Also welcome, are original contributions that are purely geographical or purely mathematical. These may be prefaced (by editor or author) with commentary suggesting directions that might lead toward the desired interaction. Contributed articles will be refereed by geographers and/or mathematicians. Invited articles will be screened by suitable members of the editorial board. IMaGe is open to having authors suggest, and furnish material for, new regular features.Peer Reviewed

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