
Discussion about Some Problems of Environment On-line Monitoring System


相对于传统的环境监测方式,环境在线自动监控作为一种先进技术,在环境应急反应、提高办事效率及管理水平等方面具有突出优势,但在实际应用过程中面临着在企业的推广有难度、监管方式尚需完善以及监测方法不统一等方面的问题。本文针对这些问题从管理模式、运营机制、管理方式以及监测方法等四个方面提出了相应的解决方案,以求通过这些措施的应用,确保环境自动监测系统在未来的环境管理中发挥更加重要的作用。Compared with traditional methods of environmental monitoring,environment on-line monitoring system has outstanding advantages in environmental emergency response,improve efficiency and management level.But there are some problems exist in the process of application,such as the promotion in enterprises,inadequate supervision and non-uniform monitoring methods.This article raised the corresponding measures to resolve these problems from management mode,operation mechanism,management and monitoring method and ensure environment on-line monitoring system will play a more important role in the future

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