
Complicated relation between the constitutional government and democracy


从民主的角度对宪政进行定义是一种普遍的方式。因为,民主和宪政具有和谐关系。这既体现在二者在理论基础、制度设计和价值目标上的相同之处,又体现在民主能对实现宪政的目标即限制权力有援助作用。但这种亲和性并不能掩盖民主与宪政潜在的差异。它们二者间甚至还可能存在潜在的冲突关系。因此,民主与宪政处于复杂的关系当中。It is a nature way to define constitutionalism from the perspective of democracy since there is intrinsic relationship between these two concepts.They have something in common as to the bottom basis and values.However,The difference between them has to be discovered by employing other concept such as freedom.The relationship between them may be contrasting as well as harmony

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