The Comparative Study on the EMBA Education in China and America


高级管理人员工商管理硕士EMBA教育项目由美国芝加哥大学管理学院首创于1943年,是一种具有学位的在职培训,旨在为商界领袖及中高层管理人员补充和更新商务知识,提高其经营和管理水平。经过几十年的探索和努力,它已成为一种因应社会经济发展需要,满足广大中高层管理人员需求的教育。EMBA教育在人才培养模式、课程设计、教学方法等方面均有自身的特点与传统的理论型研究生教育模式有较大的差异。我国的EMBA教育同MBA教育一样都是都是从国外引进的,并且EMBA教育是在先引进的MBA教育的基础上发展起来的。面对新世纪经济全球化和新经济崛起的挑战,以及复杂的市场竞争环境,使企业的高层管理人员迫切需要更新管理知识,...EMBA Education was created by the Business School of Chicago University in 1943, it is a model of management education whose goal is cultivating senior managers for enterprises. As the economic development, the higher management education has a great drive, after decades of years of searching, it becomes a need for the economic development as well as the need for a great deal of talents of senior ...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_课程与教学论学号:2005130270

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