Study on the Scondary Bonding and Coordination Polyhedra in Crystal of Antimony(III) Complexonate Family


[中文文摘]考虑立体活性孤对电子附近次级键配位原子的贡献,对文献报道的三十个氨基多羧酸锑(III)螯合物的晶体结构中配位多面体描述进行了全面的修正.配位多面体的几何构型指定采用了单位球内截多面体的两面角判据及其相关的ANVPDA程序.所有配位多面体几何构型的修正均得到了键价计算的有力支持.[英文文摘]Thirty coordination polyhedra, reflecting the presence of a stereoactive lone electron pair, in the crys-tal structures of antimony(III) aminopolycarboxylic complexonates reported in the literature, have been revised. The presence of the lone pair has been acknowledged by including secondary bonded ligand atom(s) in the vicinity of the lone pair of each antimony(III). The resulted polyhedra are discussed in terms of their dihedral angles. In order to focus on the inherent coordination geometry of the central SB the vertices of the overall polyhedron are move to the surface of a unit sphere.Inclusion of secondary bondary bonding ligand atom(s) is supported by the valence bond calculations

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