
In search for the etiology of the complex regional pain syndrome


The complex regional pain syndrome is poorly elucidated. In line with this its diagnosis and clinical management have remained suboptimal. The multifaceted nature makes it a fascinating study topic for scientists with varying interests, but unraveling the etiology has been proven a laborious mission. The first notification of what could have been (what is currently named) complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) stems from 1634, when the surgeon Ambroise Pare described that King Charles IX suffered from persistent pain and contractures of his arm following a bloodletting procedure.1 The next remarks came from the military physician Scott Mitchell and date from the American Civil War: “…Long after the trace of the effect of a wound has gone neuralgic symptoms are apt to linger, and too many carry with them throughout long years this final reminder of the battle field...”.2 The first scientific publication on CRPS was issued in 1900 from a German surgeon named Paul Sudeck.3 His name became tied to the syndrome for long (Sudecks’ dystrophy)

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