GRIDDLER and VISTA with CGNS interface


-This developer's and user's note has been written to help developers and users of GRIDDLER and VISTA to maintain and use their recent CGNS (CFD General Notation System) interface. The present note contains a description of the first version of GRIDDLER and VISTA with this option. This version has implemented CGNS formatted GRIDDLER output and VISTA input of an arbitrary multi-block structured 3D grid with block connectivity and boundary conditions. In later versions, other options of the CGNS system will be included as well. The main reason for making a CGNS output format option available to GRIDDLER was the need for making a blocked gridfrom a GRIDDLER model. Even though GRIDDLER is a multi-block grid generator, implemented with the use of object-oriented programming; until now, the final result has been a global gridthat collects the points from all the blocks. A trigger for making this blocked grid option to GRIDDLER was the requirement of the parallel VISTA CFD code - based on the algorithm of domain decomposition -to be able to contain just the grid of its own domain (possibly with overlaps to its neighbouring domains or blocks) and not the whole grid as was required in the first place. Some examples are given in the appendices. Oppdragsgiver UNINETT/SIGMA A

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