Diplomska naloga obravnava elevzinske misterije in poskuša prikazati, kaj o njih izvemo v Pavzanijevem delu Vodič po Grčiji. Za boljše razumevanje njegovih opisov misterijev je na začetku naloge en del posvečen razlagi homerske Himne Demetri in mita o boginji Demetri, ker sta pomembna vira za razumevanje samih misterijev in se nanju sklicuje tudi Pavzanija. V nadaljevanju izvemo, kakšni so materialni ostanki v Elevzini in katere pomembne osebnosti naj bi misteriji širili po grškem svetu (omenja jih tudi Pavzanija). V predzadnjem sklopu se naloga osredotoči na splošno predstavitev misterijev: na njihovo sestavo, potek in glavne bogove. Na koncu pa sledi še predstavitev Demetrinih kultov, svetišč in drugih zgradb, povezanih z elevzinskimi misteriji, o katerih izvemo preko Pavzanijinih opisov.The following work presents Eleusinian mysteries as are described by Pausanias in his work Description of Greece. For a better understanding of his descriptions, at the beginning are presented The Homeric Hymn to Demeter and the myth of the goddess Demeter, being very important for the general comprehension of the mysteries. They are mentioned by Pausanias in his work, as well. Further on, we find out what are the material remains in Eleusis and which figures were important for the distribution of mysteries in the Greek world (also mentioned by Pausanias). The second to last part is focused on the general presentation of Eleusinian mysteries: their structure, course and main gods. At the end of this work is presentation of Demeter’s cults, sanctuaries and other buildings connected with Eleusinian mysteries that we get to know throughout Pausanias’ descriptions