Set-up of a system for direct georeferencing of an unmanned aerial vehicle


Ideja magistrske naloge je bila, da zgradimo delujoč nizkocenoven GNSS-sistem za nadgradnjo starejšega letalnika Phantom 4 Pro za namene direktnega georeferenciranja. V nalogi smo uporabili nizkocenoven sprejemnik GNSS, ZED-F9P, katerega delovanje smo ga testirali na površju in na letalniku. Testirali smo ga pri metodi izmere v realnem času (ang. real time kinematic – RTK) in metodi naknadne obdelave kinematičnih opazovanj GNSS (angl. post-processing kinematic – PPK). Pri poskusih na tleh smo koordinate zakoličenih točk najprej primerjali s koordinatami, pridobljenimi z nizkocenovnim sprejemnikom. Da bi ocenili točnost določitve koordinat točk trajektorije leta, smo letalnik opremili s 360° mini prizmo in izbranim točkam določili koordinate tudi s klasično terestrično izmero. Natančnost določitve koordinat na tleh in med letom v zraku je bila pri obeh kinematičnih metodah (RTK in PPK) manj kot 2 cm. Pri vseh štirih poskusih je točnost določitve koordinat za obe metodi PPK in RTK znašala manj kot 3 cm za horizontalni komponenti položaja in manj kot 6 cm za višino. Rezultati vzpostavljenega sistema kažejo, da lahko brezpilotne letalnike precej dobro nadgradimo s senzorji za pozicioniranje in spremljanje zasukov letalnika. V prihodnje bo potrebno razrešiti še problematiko časovne uskladitve fotografskih posnetkov in ostalih senzorjev na letalniku.In this master thesis, we pursued the idea of building a low-cost GNSS system and upgrading older Phantom 4 Pro aircraft for direct georeferencing purposes. In the thesis, a low-cost GNSS receiver ZED-F9 was tested both on the ground and on the aircraft. The receiver was tested using the real-time kinematic (RTK) and in post-processing kinematic (PPK) method. In the ground tests, the reference coordinates of the staked out points were compared first with the coordinates obtained using the low-cost GNSS receiver. To determine the flight trajectory position accuracy, a 360° mini prism was attached to the aircraft, which was measured using the classical terrestrial method. The accuracy of the determined coordinates, on the ground and on the aircraft, was less than 2 cm for both kinematic methods (RTK and PPK). In all four experiments, the position accuracy for the PPK and RTK methods was below 3 cm for horizontal components and less than 6 cm for the altitude. The results of the built low-cost GNSS system show that unmanned aerial vehicles can be quite well upgraded with sensors for positioning and monitoring aircraft rotations. In the future, it will be necessary to resolve the issue of time synchronisation of photographs and other sensors on the aircraft

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