Utilizing Immersive Technologies in the Air Traffic Control Domain


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) holds a vital role in the United States, employing over 14,000 Air Traffic Control/Management (ATC/ATM) specialists responsible for managing roughly 43,000 flights each day. ATC education “wash-out” rates have shown that there is a disconnect between the training process and the implementation of cognitively demanding, safety-critical ATC duties. The purpose of this research was to investigate if, how, and where immersive technologies (i.e., augmented, virtual, and mixed reality) could be helpful within the ATC/ATM educational domain. To accomplish the overall research goal, subject matter expert (SME) interviews were conducted and a potential educational tool was developed and tested in two distinct research phases. Eighteen (N = 18) subjects volunteered to participate throughout both phases, and the tool was rated to be above average meaning the tool is usable in its current form; however, further development is suggested and expecte

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