Observing on-Demand Aircrew Transitioning From Paper to Electronic


The introduction of electronic flight bags (EFBs) for flight crew use has reduced the overall workload, except in some situations if not designed properly or employed effectively. Researchers from the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) undertook an observational study combined with crew interviews to assess overall flight crew operations including flight demands, procedures, and the methods the crews used to integrate EFBs into all aspects of their flights from preflight planning to postflight debrief. The researchers also examined the EFB applications (apps) themselves for general usability and developed some recommendations for ways EFB use in operations could be improved. General recommendations and specific recommendations for each phase of flight are provided and include:1) adopting EFBs that are intuitive, 2) standardizing procedures for EFB usage, and 3) incorporating EFB usage best practices into training

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