The multiple temporalities of a disaster. Continuity, Discontinuity, and Singularity of the Tunjuelo River (Bogotá, Colombia) Floods, October 1969


(Spa) El artículo analiza el desastre derivado en octubre de 1969 del desborde del río Tunjuelo, al sur de Bogotá, y que afectó a los habitantes de tres barrios populares ribereños del río. El desastre se analiza como un producto histórico de la interacción de dinámicas sociales y naturales que se expresan en diferentes temporalidades. Así, se analizan aquellos elementos que permiten entenderlo como un evento más dentro de una serie de continuidades. También se analiza la singularidad, aquello que permitió que el desastre se manifestara y posicionara ante el resto de la ciudad. Finalmente se exploran dinámicas que se vieron alteradas por la calamidad, es decir, se identifican discontinuidades en la relación entre el río, la ciudad y los habitantes. Las fuentes utilizadas consisten en registros de prensa, archivos institucionales e informes técnicos.(Eng) The article analyzes the disaster stemmed from the Tunjuelo River (Bogotá, Colombia) overflow in October 1969, which affected three neighborhoods, mainly inhabited by poor people. That event is analyzed as a historic output from the interaction between human and ecological elements and dynamics that are deployed through several temporalities. By doing so, elements that made the disaster be understood as part of a series of similar events are discussed. Similarly, the singularity of the disaster, it means, that facts that made the event unique, exceptional to the rest of the city, is studied. Finally, discontinuities, the temporal breaks that occurred after the disaster and that has been privileged in the historiography of catastrophes, are also included. This research has been based on local newspapers, institutional archives and technical and government reports

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