Bejen subdistrict is one of the region ' s producers areas chicken eggs ras in Temanggung regency. Development of a chicken farm laying experience various problems that productivity eggs are still low. This research aims to analyze the factors that affect the production of farm chicken laying in Bejen Subdistrict Temangggung Regency.
The variables used in this research is the seed , feed , spacious cages , vaccines , vitamins and medications , and labor. This research used primary data through interviews to laying a chicken farmers using questionnaires and secondary data as supporting research. Data were analyzed by multiple regression.
The result showed that the variables of seed, Feed, broad home, the vaccine, vitamins and a drug, and labor have a significant positive effect on the amount of production of chicken eggs in Bejen Subdistrct Temanggung Regency. Result of F-test showed that as a simoultaneusly, independent variable in concomitantly may showed its influence eggs chicken ras produce. The R2 value as by 0,986 had means that 98,6 percent produce the explainable eggs chicken ras by variable seed, Feed, broad home, the vaccine, vitamins and a drug, and labor. While the remainder, that is by 1,4 percent was explained by external causes. Return to Scale the result is equal to 1,062. This indicates that the farm chickens ras laying in Bejen Subdistrict Temanggung Regency following the rule of increasing return to scale, it means that the business of breeding chickens ras laying in Bejen Subistrict Temanggung Regency need the addition of the expansion effort