Being disciplined is an important quality that children should possess because it is very useful for their life, their daily activities and their future. However, discipline education carried out by teachers and parents nowadays, especially in early childhood, seems to be insufficient. As a pilot study, the researcher wasinterested to discover how disciplined are the children in Majalengka city, Indonesia. The population of this study was 9,545 playgroup students in the Majalengka city, West Java, Indonesia, with the sample of 1,506 children spread in from 26 sub-districts and 412 institutions; the sample was chosen using random sampling; the data was analyzed using descriptive analysis to identify the mean and standard deviation on each measured discipline method; and questionnaire was used to measure the children’s discipline and independence level, consisting of 35 items, but only 22 items to measure the categorized discipline were used (Listiana & Amanah 2017). Based on the result of data analysis, the children’s level of discipline are as follows: (1) Students in very high category were 7.30%, (2) Students in high category were 49.80%, (3) Students in moderate category were 30.428%, (4) Students in low category were11.29%; and (5) Students in very low category were 1.13%